Extensive experience with gyro-stabilization technology enables GSS to develop custom stabilized platforms for numerous applications. GSS also provides design services to seamlessly integrate new camera and sensor technologies into current platforms as they become available. Purchase a single stabilized platform from GSS and confidently know that other current and future camera or sensor technologies have the ability to be integrated. The GSS gimbal is an open-platform system, engineered to a level that provides reduced size and weight over traditional open-platform systems with increased stability and functionality.

GSS is currently contracted with Paradigm SRP LLC, and several other companies, to develop custom gyro-stabilized products for production, law enforcement, and military applications.


Customization & Reliability

GSS has engineered a future proof design for a market that is constantly evolving. As new cameras, lenses, sensors, and accessories are developed, GSS is ready for them with hundreds of configurations available to fit specific requirements!

At GSS, we take great pride in providing innovation solutions to custom requests and creating a product that has unwavering reliability for the most demanding situations.

Shooting in 8K? No problem! GSS solutions offer full support for whatever resolution you’re shooting. Not only that, but we support zoom potential of well over 42X.